Friday, June 1, 2007

Climb Every Mountain

Mountain climbing is something that I've done little of. When I did do it, however, I wanted to die...until I reached the top. My first Mountain climbing experience was in Southern Argentina climbing a Mountain in the Andes that I think was named Mt. Faulkner. No one knew for sure exactly how high it was but it had to be close to 14,000 ft. because it was well above the tree line and that's at 11,000 ft. I was with a bunch of Gringos (North Americans) which is the reason for the glorious flag; we were proud!

Well, my sister and I have a new goal...Pikes Peak! Located in Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak is exactly 14,110 feet in elevation. After reading about it, it doesn't seem like it will be that difficult. The website I was reading said thousands do it every year. I've seen pictures of the trail and it seems pretty smooth. What I will need, however, it stamina! I like to run and all but this is about 13 miles long and takes 6-10 hours at a moderate pace. The climb will be a beast but the pay off worth it I'm sure. There is something great about an accomplishment like that. My sister and I hope to make the climb in August, virtually the only time the summit is free of slow. Until then, I guess I should spend some time in preparation.
My mom and I drove up Pikes today so that I could see and get a feel of what I was getting into. Sadly though, from the summit, you could see nothing because it was surrounded in the clouds. Good time anyways though.
Well, we'll see what happens in August.

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