Sunday, December 23, 2007


Over the past week I've been working on a project that was long overdue. I was hitting it pretty hard so really haven't thought about much else. Praise the Lord, I was able to finish it up yesterday and spent the rest of the day just hanging out with the fam. It was nice! It seems that whenever I get a break from the whatever I am doing, like the end of a semester or a big project or something, as I unwined, I always become very contemplative, especially this time of year. I think about where I am spiritually as well as other areas of life and where I want to be. I think about this coming year and things that I want to strive after. Its good to think about these things but at times, it can be pretty overwhelming. God is showing me a lot of things in my life right now that need to change. I am so glad that He doesn't leave it at that, however, but is there to help me change. His grace is sufficient! Its a long road, but I am grateful that He is there to walk it with me!

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